And the sky is pretty good. It isn't raining... Shortly after we got on the road, we were by the coast again. It was so nice to see the ocean. Little River State Beach.
Stopped at Rest Area which had a gorgeous Redwood forest adjacent. When you enter, it is like being in a church, so quiet and so majestic. From a poster, we learned that they had a major forest fire in 1945 which destroyed 50% of the Redwoods but it's incredible how they have returned.
We turned back on an old road and did a photo stop (see photo). If you look very closely you will see that the rock is covered with sea lions. We had fun watching them climb up the cliff of the rock. Just amazing. We could certainly hear them.
Back on 101, we entered the forest again with a wiggle road, purple lupines hanging from the cliffs and Spanish moss hanging from trees.
Stone Lagoon, Freshwater Lagoon. Entering Redwood State Beaches & Parks. We are back on the coast. We parked and had lunch then went for a walk (see photo). The surf was perfect but no surfers around. When we mentioned that to two bikers who were walking by, one observed that there might be some white sharks around. Yea, that would make sense, with all the sea lions we saw earlier.
Orick, lots of wood carvings. We drove by Lady Bird Johnson Grove .. the one we visited in 1993. At a turn off, we were able to see some Roosevelt elks in the field from afar. You are warned not to approach them on foot. We were told afterwards that they are fierce animals.
We drove through the Elk Prairie Parkway with again unbelievable Redwoods (see photo). A prehistoric forest of giants. I believe they only exist on the coast of California and Oregon.
Another turnoff. We drive up to the ReQua Overlook. Spectacular (photo). This is where the Klamath River comes into the sea. There were sea lions down below. A photographer with very powerful binoculars told us there were ospreys in the trees as well. With my binoculars, I could barely see them. He had quite a collection of photos (for sale) he had taken of whales, eagles, bear, mountain lion, sea lions. A very busy cove. He had a photo taken recently of a female whale with a young one.
Back on 101, we got some rain. Not bad as it is almost 3 pm. Actually it poured and by the time we got to Crescent City, it prevented us from visiting the Battery Point Lighthouse Museum. Too bad.
By the time we drove into the campground, it had stopped and we spent a very nice evening. Went for a walk through a forest of Redwoods which is on the property. Amazingly huge stumps. One of the trees' roots are completely out of the ground and from these roots another tree grew. Incredible. Well time to call it a night.
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